Finally, I’m back after a long exams break !! 🙂
No matter how good blogger you are, you will still struggle to get traffic to your new blog. Well, I struggled a lot initially !! But after a few experiments I’ve finally managed to crack the code and now I never have to wait for months to start getting search traffic. The technique I will be sharing with you guys in this post can very well double or triple your traffic in a short period of time.
Isn’t it great ??
Will be introducing a new technique that I call "The Sweet Steal Technique" which will improve traffic massively….
Posted by Iftekhar Ahmed on Monday, January 4, 2016
So I call it “The Sweet Steal Technique” !! You’ll understand once you read further 😉
Here are the list of things that you will learn from this post
- How to increase search traffic on a brand new blog.
- How to create a traffic base for your blog.
- How to increase blog traffic
- Step by step guide to Sweet Steal technique.
- And a lot more !!
Umm !! Interested to read further ?? I’m sure you are. (I’m also good in mind reading 😛 )
How to Increase a New Blog Traffic ?
You might have started a blog !! You might have also posted some awesome articles on it !! but you still fail to get search traffic to your blog. 🙁 This happens all the time (okay most of the times ) !! Right ??
The solution to this is to create a base/foundation for your blog. By Base I mean some articles that are not very much directly related to your target niche or keyword but still of very high searches.
For example, If you have a look into my first posts on this site, you will find articles which are completely off track. You will find posts which are not related to SEO or blogging. I posted articles on “How to get Facebook likes”, “How to invite all to fb page or group”, “List of best funny websites” etc. Such articles started giving me search traffic and its what helped me gain more traffic and confidence (yeah seeing traffic motivates me to write more and more).
By doing this I made my traffic go to over 200 search clicks daily from first weeks itself and even today these posts work out to be the best.
A lot of questions might be popping out in your head like How to find keywords or topic for such articles? How to get this thing done ?
Read the next part for it !!
Introducing “THE SWEET STEAL TECHNIQUE” – Step by Step Guide
Your competitors are your best friends in helping you boost up your site traffic
Things required:
- Ahrefs account (Free accounts works as well)
- List of your competitor websites.
- Common sense 😛
Follow the steps and see magic.
STEP 1 – Collecting Competitor Website URLs
This starts with making a list of your competitor websites and blogs. While making a list of your competitor blogs, it is advisable not to include very high authority websites. Now there can be multiple ways by which you can find your competitors. Let me dig it for you.
NOTE: If your blog is new, then make a list of competitor blogs that are new as well or those which are not quite popular (though you can include big ones too, but it will not help you every time). This is important and you need to use your brain while making such lists.
1. By networking & following social media.
Facebook, twitter and other social networks will help you a lot in knowing who your competitor is. If you are in networks with different bloggers on social media, you will very well know about who posts articles under your niche. This thing is quite understandable and does not require more explanation.
2. By searching for your targeted keywords and picking up links of ranked urls.
If you are working on niches and keywords which are less known to others then it will not be easy to find out competitors using your social media feeds. In that case you can very well use google search. Just search for some keywords that you are ranked for (or that which you want to rank for) and hit the enter button. Make an excel sheet containing all the competitor URLs. Also make sure you don’t add any really big website to your list.
If I want to make a list of competitors for iftiSEO, I will simply search for a keyword that falls under my site category and then make the list of sites that gets ranked. For example, let me search for “How to Increase Adsense Earning” (just a random search term with good amount of searches)
The next step will be to make a list of blogs ranking for this keyword. Avoid big blogs or the blogs that rule the niche. So I will be noting the following sites in my excel file:
I avoided shoutmeloud and some other big sites. You can also make use of a metric called DOMAIN AUTHORITY (DA), avoid sites of DA more than 35 (if your DA is in 20s). This will help you exclude some sites that are hard to outrank keeping in mind the fact that our site is new or doesn’t have much authority.
Note: You can also list the big sites if you want to apply the sweet steal technique on your old sites with good traffic after all this technique is mainly to boost traffic.
3. By using online tools and sites.
If you don’t want to follow the above two methods then you can try this. Simply use websites that show competitors and note all of them. The drawback of this method is that it will be giving you a lot of extra competitor URLs which will not be helpful to you as soon as you start with the technique.
I personally recommend you to follow step 2 and avoid this. I’ve mentioned this just to let you all know about this method of collecting competitor URLs.
The different tools/sites that you can use for the same are:
Following the above methods, make a list of around 15 competitor URLs (More are better). It’s really easy and hardly takes 15 minutes, so do it carefully and with common sense (yeah).
STEP 2 – The Sweet Steal Begins here 😉
Now once we have the list of our competitors, we will now spy on their keywords they rank for and find out the posts that gives them highest search traffic. (Spying is not at all a blackhat thing)
So how do we do this ?? 😛 Umm, it was kinda complicated before !! but Ahrefs made it damn easy with the new positions explorer. I love this tool !!! 😀
I know what question you have !!! You are probably thinking about the price of it and moreover you are now a little worried since you think will you have to buy it ? 😛 right ?? (mind reading 😛 – or am I really talking to you 😛 )
If you have a paid ahrefs account then its really a plus point, but if you don’t !!! No problem.. The free version will work as well.
So How to start ??
Open up ahrefs positions explorer and the excel file containing the list of your competitor URLs. 😛
Enter the first URL from your list and hit enter (The free version gives you only 5 searches daily, so use it carefully). Let me put up my competitor URL in there… ummm, lets put (I asked Kulwant for it)
Lots of data !! Beautiful 😀 . Well, Kulwant is really doing great. Great stats. 😀
So what do we see here,
- Organic Keywords & Paid Keywords – It’s a good figure to know about your competitor site.
- Estimated Monthly Traffic – This is never exact, but this gives you an idea of how much traffic a site gets. Put on your blog URL and see how much it shows. This way you will understand how close the data is, and moreover, it will also help you guess the traffic of your competitor blog.
- Top 10 competitors – A useful info.
- Graphs & Positions Heatmap – Helps to learn about the competitor in detail. (However, our focus is not on it)
- Top 5 Organic keyword and pages – This is our focus !!!! Let’s start.
The top 5 organic keywords are the keywords which give your competitor the highest traffic. Volume is the rough estimate of the number of searches that particular exact keyword get. This doesn’t include the partial match keywords. The top 5 pages give you the list of your competitor’s best performing posts.
So with the above data, bloggingcage is ranking #5 on the keyword “buy backlinks” and gets the highest traffic on this post (from the search engine).
So the next step for you is to make a list of these keywords !! Perform the same search for all the competitor blogs from your list and note down all the top 5 keywords along with volume. (Volume will help you know about the number of searches a keyword gets)
Let me search for some more competitor blogs. 😛 ( I love to know about what my competitor blogs are ranking for). Just have a look at the snaps !!
This way, you can get a list of all your competitor keywords that they get traffic from.
Now since we took only those competitor blogs which are of the same authority as ours, we can easily work on the same keywords and get ranked on page 1 (who knows we might even outrank them – I did many times 😉 )
Step 3 – The Implementation Step
So I can easily note down at least 5 keywords from the above sites. Here are the keywords that I got.
- How to start a porn site ( oops 😛 but yes its kW)
- Free Websites to Watch Movies online
- Best blog names (and all variations)
- Network Marketing quotes (and variations)
- Freelance writing jobs for beginners
- LSI keywords
Follow the same process to get your list of keywords. So we have the list of keywords now !! Now what ??
The next step is to start picking keywords one by one and posting articles on it.
So start posting QUALITY (yes, this is a must) articles on all the keywords you have collected. After posting around 5-6 articles, your traffic can be increased to a very good amount. You will see your posts start to rank for the same keywords and with some social signals, content marketing, promotion etc you can even outrank your competitor.
Keep repeating the steps and you can take your site to the next level. Make new competitor lists, this time with more DA and follow the same.
Quick Tips for the Sweet Steal Technique
I guess you have got the basic idea on how this technique works. Right ?? But as usual, I still have some more tips that can maximize the results.
- Always collect those URLs that are new or of the same authority as yours. Its because their keywords can be easily ranked by your site as well. (I tested this and will be posting a case study of this where I increased my new blog traffic by upto 80% in just 2 weeks)
- Make sure that you post quality articles for a selected keyword. On page SEO must be done carefully.
- This technique will work on all niches and categories.
- You can also look for keywords ranking in Google UK, France, Canada from the options given beside search button.
- If you have paid account of ahrefs, then also make use of other features as well (new keywords, organic keywords.) Here is a list of all organic keywords of one of my competitor blog.
By having a paid account, you can get more keywords from a single competitor site. Moreover you can also have a look at your competitors new keywords from the new keyword feature. Here’s how it looks,
So if you have a premium subscription, you can enjoy many extra benefits. The free version gives you only 5-10 keywords per site and allows you only 5 searches per day.
Conclusion – THE SWEET STEAL TECHNIQUE !! What are you waiting for ?
I hope all of you understood the technique and will start implementing on your blogs. So basically we are sweetly stealing the traffic+rankings of our competitors (not one but many competitors 😉 ). If you manage to rank for their best keywords, you will be getting an instant hike in traffic since we are only writing on those keywords which we can rank for and those keywords that bring traffic to our competitors. I hope you got the idea.
So, Isn’t it simple ?? Do share your thoughts to it as well ? And yes, I will be soon posting a case study of how I increased the traffic of one of my blog by upto 50% using the same sweet steal technique. So do wait for it as well, and yes by the way how’s the name – THE SWEET STEAL Technique ? 🙂 😉
333 Responses
Great post Iftekhar. I have recently found a profitable micro niche and would use this technique for sure.
Nice blog post about taking help from the competitor what techniques they are using to boos their website by peeping into their activity we can get to know few steps and we can follow that steps to boost our website it’s called competitors analysis.
Hey Iftekhar, thanks for sharing this one.
Awesome tips for traffic boosting. I am using Ahrefs for spying on competitors back-links.
The things you mentioned here are really helping me to grow my blog as I’m a beginner in blogging I learned lots of things from your article.
Your post always inspired me. This blog always provides amazing content with deep knowledge. I have one question. Do you have any Facebook group? I want to join please let me know.
Very interesting,good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up
sir the guide was so amazing. thanks for sharing.
My blog traffic has been declining continuously. I certainly want to follow your tips mentioned here! Thanks!
This is one of the best Blog on how to improve your Blog traffic I have read in a while.
Need more such post like this. Thank you.
Wow great article bro. Keep giving us information like this.
Hey, as you said create a base first for your blog. This is the company I work at, as a content writer and marketing analyst Appscrip ( Its a software development company. What kind of articles do you suppose we start churning out as to create proper base?
good technique,
thanks for sharing..
Hai Iftekhar,
These were wonderful tips. I was thinking of why I am not getting any traffic. Now I know why and also know how to attract the viewers. Thanks man. Will try these.
Amazing trick this is useable trick. Sir you are great blogger and writer in this industry. Thanks for sharing this technique.
Grate technique you share bro..
I am trying to follow your strategy to get rank on competitor’s keywords..
great bro. These seo technique are really awesome.
Thanks a lot Iftekhar bhai for this, I’ll surely try some of these tips on one of my niche blog.
Keep it up!
thanks, a lot im using semrush trial now, its very helpful
This is really an Awesome and informative post!
I Just Loved it.
Thanks once again
i love your blog Sir i am big fan of your blog you blogging style is very good
Awesome article. Brushed my knowledge.
Ifte Seo Is Luv !
Excellent Article!
Interesting concept. I think the idea of writing content based on your competitors best keywords and beat them to it. Well thought out idea. Will certainly be trying this method.
Awesome Technique Iftekhar , Thanks for sharing your experimental experience. I also use ahrefs and I love that tool. Really this technique works, I believe!
Good article. Ahref is really a very useful tool. Yet not clear with all the feature of that tool. Thank you for the information I will definitely try to follow this.
Thank you Iftekhar Bro 🙂 For this awesome Guide.
After reading this article I started using Ahref (via flikover).
I want to join your group also 🙂 Please add me If you can.
I successfully boosted ranking of one of my bolgpost using this technique……kudos…bro
This is awesome bro you are always rock but I have some questions about backlinks
How to steel compietiter post backlinks can u please guide me bro
Hey Ifti, This post is amazing. I loved the way u explained this technique. I would surely be using this to boost my blog’s traffic.
You’ve got so much brilliant posts here!
You’ve geared up my blogging ambitions as I’ve started working with articles that I’ve read here especially this particular one!
I just read this post and I’m set to work already!
I’d come back and give a review!
This is s brilliant!!!
I read this article about a month ago, and today I am here again to give my feedback. I was successful in building backlinks as my competitors were, and also in stealing. You rock mate..
But this is somehow time consuming work 🙂
Thanks for this post..
Awesome article very helpful information thanks to share this tutorial..
Great post!!
Thanks for sharing.
I must say research is always the best part and also most important. Finding Urls, keywords and outranking the competitor for the same keyword is really a great job.
Hi Iftekhar,
Thanks a lot bro for the Sweat Steal Technique. I literally Tried it and finally got some traffic on my blog.
good job and hard work
Thank you Iftekhar Bro 🙂
Great post!!
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Iftekhar bhai! I Bookmarked this post long ago… But Now gonna implement this.
Hi Iftekhar Ahmed,
Once again well and good post which I have read on this blog. I have practically applied these techniques on my blog and see some improvement in seo.
Hi bro, thanks for a well written post, will do this today itself.
Sweet Steal Technique is Really Very Sweet !
Now I m going to Implement all those Points
Thanks For Sharing Such Amazing Stuffs
Awesome post man! Damn, I will do it now for Amazon niche sites.
Thanks a ton ????
Great post-Ifti bro Thanks for sharing
Hi Iftekhar,
Now this is what i call research. This is really impressive post. I must say research is always the best part and also most important. Finding Urls, keywords and outranking the competitor for the same keyword is really a great job.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for providing this great technique. Its working smartly 🙂
Hi Iftekhar Ahmed
I read this post 2 times and it takes me 13 minutes 30 sec for this post. Amazing Sweet Steel technique 🙂 Heads up for this post
Wow this is awesome!! I am definitely going to be using it ?
This is one of the best technique I have ever seen. By the way, you have chosen a creative name for this method. 🙂
This is a great technique bro to boost traffic initially, and the name is so cool also..
But the problem is, ahrefs do not more offer free account to users they just offer a 14 days trial after complete verification..
Anyhow, thanks for the post.
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
I love how the ‘Sweet Steal Technique’ works, bro! Thanks for sharing this awesome trick.
I’m also looking to try this sweet steal technique guide on my new blog.
I hope I will get similar results as you explained.
Ifti Bro You wrote in the post Open up ahrefs positions explorer and the excel file containing the list of your competitor URLs. ?
But now a day afrefs version does not show that option of position explorer.
Plz give suggestion about this.
Superb post ifti bro..lov d way u write
That is really good. Ahrefs is indeed an awesome tool to dig internal info of any website. I also use Ahrefs to spy on my competitors and it is going well.
Just wanted to ask, is there any way to hide the backlinks from any backlink profile. I know some of my competitors whose backlinks are not visible neither on Ahrefs nor on Semrush.
Is there any way to get the backlinks of such websites?
Thanks for the post though. Enjoyed it
Hi Iftekhar,
Amazing post! really loved the way you explained the technique…
I’m a regular reader of your blog, I have bookmarked this post, for future!
Stay safe bud!
Hi Ifti,
I hope you will be fine, regularly i read your articles for help and its my best blog website to get the help in easy and simple steps.. love you bro
One of the greatest methods to get rank and bank in google. Thanks a lot for publishing this awesome stuff.
good technique iftekar, i tested it with a small micro niche “budha purnima images telugu” amazingly my blog is on first page within 50minutes amazing technique…now trying for other keywords thank you very much…
Really a great post . Helped me a lot tot generate a lot of traffic to my event blogs . i Found this trick to be relatively good and easy to get a huge traffic in no time on event blogs ? Thanks iftekhar
Hey iftekhar bro, your article was too much informative. Thanks for us providing such a great article.But I have a one problem (Not Related to this topic) … I have 6 month old blogger blog. I setup a custom domain on it. Then I publish some posts and important pages on it. After applying a clean design. I submitted it for Adsense. But it rejects me for 6 times.
Pls you personally check my blog and suggest me something.
My blog:-
Waiting for your reply
wonderful post,i discovered this post very late….thanks a lot iftekhar i’m going to implement immediately on my blog, thanks a lot…
I love how the ‘Sweet Steal Technique’ works, bro! Thanks for sharing this epic trick that never came into my mind before. 😛
Recently I Migrated to WordPress. I think I should try this again. Meanwhile, I am seeking for some base foundation post that can go viral.
Awesome post. We can also use alexa for find top 5 keywords of competitors. Am using alexa keywords and semrush tool for find the related keywords with keyword difficulty. Thanks for this awesome tutorial,. Really love it
That choclate image is drooling, awesome technique though. Thanks for sharing bro 🙂
Awesome share Ifti bro,first post of iftiseo in this new year just made my day.Many many thanks to you..Nice post… I bookmarked your blog and also subscribed so that i come again to get more
Great Post Iftekhar
Before posting this Article Don’t you feel that Someone May try apply this Technique to steal your traffic ?
Don’t worry I will never
What a joy to reading this article!
Awesome man!
One of the best techniques to get traffic and high ranking. Today I learn new thing and its because of You. ?
Thanks for sharing this meaningful article.
What a great article man. This really helps me a lot. This is the wonderful post I have seen on the internet.
Hi Iftekar,
It was a great article, well explained!! Yes, it is very important to understand the competition before going for it. It gives you a complete scenario of the competition as well as competitors, and in terms of ranking like approximately how many links should help.
Thanks for listing my site, hehe
Best regards
Paul billygraham Reang
Hey Iftekhar,
What a joy to reading this article!
Awesome man!
One of the best techniques to get traffic and high ranking. Today I learn new thing and its because of You. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this meaningful article.
~Swapnil Kharche
Nice trick i will use it and thanks for sharing such a great content here keep sharing in future
Fawad khan
Thanks. It was a great article. Going to use this technique now. 🙂 😛
Great Post Iftekhar
Before posting this Article Don’t you feel that Someone May try apply this Technique to steal your traffic ?
Don’t worry I will never
Hi Iftekhar,
Amazing post! really loved the way you explained the technique…
I’m a regular reader of your blog, I have bookmarked this post, for future!
Stay safe bud!
Very good article. I love the way you explained the whole process. good job done
Wow great post Iftekhar, learned many new techniques here.
Superb work ifti, this guide is a gem for newbies. i’m also looking to try this sweet steal technique guide on my new blog. hope to get better results.
Thanks for wonderful post.
Nice… I’m completely happy while reading this post as I do see there are amazing tips that will help to boos the traffic.
I’m going to following some tips as well as some important tools to boost traffic.
wow… you always rocks 🙂
awesome strategy to generate initial traffic to a new born blog. Thanks for this awesome strategy, i am gonna try this for sure.
It’s Amazing Article & Great Information about growing Blog Traffic. But i have one Problem related to Alexa Rank.
On My Blog Daily 7000-10000 Visitors are Coming but my Blog Rank goes Down Day by Day. So If you have any appropriate solution. Then tell me.You are god to me now.. I have been worrying due to lack of traffic. I started a blog 6 months back and i am getting 0.2-0.3$ only per day. Which makes me so dull. Now this sweet steal technique was simply awesome. By reading this article i am getting dollars in my mind. Thanks much ifti. I will comment again once i implement and get success from this articles
Great job,very innovative,excellent ?
Keep up the good work
I have been doing the same with keywordspy. But,it was lacking in quality posts. I want to see a post on “how to write quality post”. Great post ?
Hey ifti, Nice post bro. i have gone through many other posts too and i found them very useful. By the way, i came to know that we both belong from the same city (bhopal). Lets have a meet bro, what do you say?
Awesome SEO guide Iftekhar Brother, Thanks a lot for this trick, i will implement all this tricks hope a great result will come
Really Good Information You’ve shared in this article. infact i read out you 5 more posts all are quite benifical for me and all bloggers. but i am gonna start a blog from starting. i want to know that what niche i should decide or which niche will better for me. i used to work on my hindi blog url was but don’t know why it is deleted :(. i was working on this blog from last year. and i was getting good traffic too. can i get it back? if yes please tell me how? other thing i want to start a new blog in english. can you please help me to start a blog?
Truly a post which defines the depth of your knowledge. Thanks for sharing, I am sure that I will adhere to some of your tips to evolve my own blog! Thanks again!
Thanks Iftekhar. Followed a few steps to check and this is surely magic :). Very simple, easy, and effective. This also adds up to the power of being selective (relevant) to get even better quality juice when trying to push rankings. A genuine “Thank You” once again
Thanks for the wonderful technique. The only problem here is the Ahrefs but I have found an alternate solution of group buy site.
Time to boom this technique.
good job and I like it
I read many traffic boosting techniques for beginner but this seems best bro……
And explained in detail too…
I will try to implement it from today itself…
Thanks for great idea of such sweet steal technique…
Nice article its very useful for digital marketer to analyse their competetor. Its very useful resources thanks for sharing it
Good Idea Iftekhar Brother ! Perfect post with clear explanation. But don’t you think its very hard method 😛
Great guide and so simple to do. I have ahrefs but I don’t use it to its full potential at all! Must definitely start spying on my competitors to see what they’re ranking for!
Great Job 🙂
You have explained everything nicely now we just need to follow the steps 😉
Superb post. Really appreciate your effort. Wonderful info.
Nice Article brother
Awesome article brother. I think you have done a greater research before drafting this post. Thanks for the post.
Thanks Iftekhar. Followed a few steps to check and this is surely magic :). Very simple, easy, and effective. This also adds up to the power of being selective (relevant) to get even better quality juice when trying to push rankings. A genuine “Thank You” once again 🙂
Thanks for the wonderful technique. The only problem here is the Ahrefs but I have found an alternate solution of group buy site.
Time to boom this technique.
amazing article sir thx for sharing this sweet trick 🙂
Thanks Iftekhar. Just followed a few steps to check and this is surely magic :). Very simple, easy yet very effective. Plus this also adds up to your power of being selective on various parameters to get even better quality juice when trying to move up. A genuine “Thank You” once again 😀
Wow amazing technique i hope this will work i really enjoy this technique and hope to work on it ?
Thanks for sharing the strategy. I will try to implement it for my blog and will share the results. Thanks again!
It really works.
My website ranking is getting better and better day by day.
Thank you so much.
Hi Iftekhar,
Today more than ever, I feel like I was in a search a blog I found today. I like your writing style and sharing details and depth post. This was a simple yet informative article (whole blog) that I will definitely be sharing with my fellow!
I bookmarked your blog for future reference and keep sharing awesome stuff.
Hi ifti,
This is a real seo tips. Thanks for sharing !!!!
Looking for more articles
Bro nice technique to steel traffic thank for sharing find something very new and unique in seo
Great technique that i ever use for crushing my competitors 😀 thanks iftekhar <3
You are god to me now.. I have been worrying due to lack of traffic. I started a blog 6 months back and i am getting 0.2-0.3$ only per day. Which makes me so dull. Now this sweet steal technique was simply awesome. By reading this article i am getting dollars in my mind. Thanks much ifti. I will comment again once i implement and get success from this articles
This Steal Technique is Very to Me Thanks For sharing this article.
Nice Article <3
It’s Amazing Article & Great Information about growing Blog Traffic. But i have one Problem related to Alexa Rank.
On My Blog Daily 7000-10000 Visitors are Coming but my Blog Rank goes Down Day by Day. So If you have any appropriate solution. Then tell me.
thanks for the post man its really awesome post .i implemented this rick in my site its really work.thanks a lot
Thanks for this intelligent post. The information you revealed in this post is really excellent and straightforward. I am sure I will implement your points, and I will get good results. 🙂
Great Stuff!!
Best wishes
-Sathish Arumugam
I did read your blog long back and now almost after 3-4 months when I’m back, believe it or not, your way of writing helped me remind of you. Awesome and Great Blog as always. I always had this stuff planned in my mind but you gave me a good push. I’ll try it now soon!
Thanks for sharing this impressive and informative post. I always love to read your articles and I’ve learned many important things in your articles. Please keep writing.
Thanks for sharing this fabulous and necessary post. I always love to read your articles and I’ve learned many important things in your articles. Please keep writing.
Hi Iftekhar,
All the great & sweet techniques included in this post.
Usually long blog posts hurt my reading attention, but in this case, I was so engaged that I didn’t get that the whole post is complete.
Thanks & keep sharing,
Great Article,
Just started my day with this post and it was awesome.
Thanks for sharing this useful post.
Regards: Raman
Great job. I will try these techniques. 🙂
Hi Ifti Bro,
i did ready your full post , the way you write is awesome, sometimes you make a joke too
that’s good strategy
but one thing i’m thinking about is “You didn’t mention about backlinks”
how can we rank our post without even having backlinks?
Clear this point
Thank You !
It is very helpful for all of us. Keep posting these types of tips. i’ll soon implement in my new blog.
Very detailed useful post.I always check for top post on other sites.It is time to use you technique.Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sir Maine apna blog 18 may 2016 ko banaya tha. Uske baad se main apne blog daily update karne laga but enough traffic nhi mil paya. Uske baad kuch bloggers ne mujhe domain change karne ko uske according mera domain name sahi nahi tha. Isliye maine 16 sep ko apna domain name change kar diya. ShoutMeloud par domain changing post ke according aur old domain ko .htaccess se aur hosting cpanel se new domain par redirect kar diya. lekin domain change karne ke baad aur 100+ article likhne ke baad bhi mujhe 150 se jyada page views daily nahi mil pa rahe hain.
Pata nahi aisa kyu ho raha sir please main bahut problems me please aap meri madad kijiye. Agar aap mere wordpress dashboard par login karke analyze karo blog ko to main apko wo bhi dene ko tayyar hu.
Lekin please sir meri help kar dijiye please.
Main kuch to galti kar raha hu but pata nhi chal pa raha hai ki main kya glti kar raha hu.
I hope aap meri jarur madad karoge.
My blog URL –
Bro It is very helpful for all of us. Keep posting these types of tips.
Its Perfect technique bro but Ahref is not free anymore ?
Its Perfect technique bro but Ahref is not free anymore 🙁
awesome post
Hey Ifti, This post is amazing. I loved the way u explained this technique. I would surely be using this to boost my blog’s traffic.
awesome bro..
Sounds like a pretty solid recipe for success.
Hi Iftekhar,
To me your posts are more of interactive session where you have presented your case studies. Like “how I did successfully and how you can too”
I have started following you just yesterday and honestly, I have found the easiest presentation of checking competitors profiles to work.
You have used a line such as “one of my blog”, I thought there will be (s) with ‘blog’ here.
You were really reading my mind 😛 Thanks for the awesome post !
Hi Iftikhar Bro,
Your tips are always working for me. Last time I used your trick, how to get unlimited google+ follower and That was work like a charm for me. Now I’m going to use this tip very soon and
I’m damn sure this tip also going to be very effective.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Iftekhar,
Great post in which you have shared some magical tips with the help of these bloggers get some quality traffic. Mostly bloggers create excellent blogs but they are not happy with their blogs traffic. But one can easily understand what to do if blog is not getting enough traffic.
Many thanks for informative share 🙂
NowAdays Alexa is not working well, as before. I don’t what their algorithms but it seems doesn’t like by anyone. Now they are showing rankings with some accuracy. Also no showing backlinks with the approx. accuracy.
Omg!!! This post has millions of worth for me . Thanks really by heart.
wow lots of tips to increase traffic this could be useful for my blog. thanks for article
Wow Awesome tricks to steal competitors website traffic. I will implement the trick to my new blogs. I want to know that if I sign up ahrefs for free account then is this essential to upgrade after 15 days?? Now in website showing we need to upgrade it after 15 days of free trail.
One of the best technique i have ever came to know about. Thanks for writing a great and detailed post for newbies. I am newbie in my blogging career. I hope this sweet steal technique will help me to get traffic via search engines. You are just awesome bro 🙂 God Bless You.
What if my domain DA, PA is 1?
Hello sir,, i wnt to learn blogging from you personally, but i have no money.. plz help me , need money to support my family.. contact me sir with email ..
This is the awesomeness of this post that I can’t left in middle without full reading. Thanks for this wonderful Post 🙂
Great tips, will do this next week in my niche, greetings from Europe!
Wao, What a great Post it is. Just awesome to know these all things. We have to make the blogging easier with these tricks. Thanks a lot man.
Hi Bro ,
Content is very good. The way of presentation is really awesome. Really helpful for me. I have learned two things from this article one is how to get traffic and second one is how to present the content.
Hey, Really Thanks for Sharing this 🙂
Hi Iftekhar Bro
This is really an awesome way. I was amazed earlier about Sweet Stealing but now understand what it is and a real way to get huge traffic 🙂
Thanks for Sharing!
Hello Iftekha,
this post is dope – it touched every bit part of it. I love this.
Am going to implement this on my review website. Traffic is coming but I need to hike it.
Thanks for posting…
Awesome Technique, will definitely try and will comment the results here.
Hey Iftekhar
from this article I learn something new and must be increase the traffic from now with the help of this….
Fantastic and Great Tips iftekhar Brother, Mind Blowing,Writing Keep Sharing,
Thanks for amazing post
Thanks a lot bro for this fantastic article.
Amazing technique 🙂
Fantastic Article Bruh! *_*
Great, I will apply this technique.
The best technique that I have ever found till date. Keep sharing awesome articles. Thank You!
Hello ifti,
I don’t want to spam here. 🙂
Yes you have shared a very sweet technique no doubt it will increase site traffic.
But it will be nice to include some link building tacties with it.
1. Add internal links to recently created pages.
2. Try to get backlinks from those competitors site use blog comment (no spam).
3. Add top pages links within sites.
I have also created some case studies to support these points.
Pradip Singha
awesome iftikar,
but one problem, i think ahrefs now did not allow free account. when ever i go to create new account it take me to payment page. 🙁
Hello Iftekhar bro,
Just found your post by searching on the Google, I have Impress and Learn Lot of new thing from your post. I am new to blogging and always try to learn new skill as I believe that blogging is the full time job for learning new things day by day.
Thanks for sharing you post with the online world.
Excellent and very informative post Ifti.
Great Post IFTI.Im surely going to apply this techniques.
Such a great post. I dont have words to drop comment.
Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful post this very informative..>!
Great post .Very useful strategy.
Thanks for sharing.
Cool Technique Ahmed! Extremely effective and scalable. Will definitely implement t on my site once its up and running. Thanks for sharing.
ifti thanks for the great trick, i`m a big fan of u i`m from hyderabad and love u buddy
Nice Tips and helpful articles and now its time to get something new……and i like sweetsssss.
Hi Iftekhar,
Really amazed with your SEO technique. It is very helpful for me…mind blowing, superb!
I will definitely try this technique for my blog.
Fantastic *-*
Your cute techniques a great for every new blogger. Thanks for sharing. Gonna Apply all these..
Very nice post. I really love to read such kind if informative articles that you have written. Well these techniques are very useful and amazing I think everyone should need to read this post and learn effective ways step by step for increasing blog traffic.
Mind Blowing!
Iftekhar, this is one of the best posts I have ever found about Blog Traffic. This is awesome. You have explained everything in detail, step by step and with screenshots. I love your writing style. I will definitely follow the steps and “Sweet Steal Technique” to drive more traffic to my blog.
Thank you so much for your time sharing such awesome post with us.
Hi Iftekhar,
I just skimmed the post and I can see how nicely it’s written. Even without reading it, I’m convinced the post would be useful.
The representation was great….
The cover chocolate actually got me here *drooling
Superb technique bro its really amazing i hope it will work
Wow amazing technique i hope this will work i really enjoy this technique and hope to work on it 🙂
Hi Iftekhar
Hope your exam was great. Anyways, its glad to see you are back with such a quality content as usual. Thanks for the tips and experience you shared for getting huge amount of traffic.
Great post! Time to implement these techniques 😀
This technique is very commendable
Absolutely, these techniques are seem to be sweet and I liked the sweets most. So, these must follow for me. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience here.
It may help many others.
Damn ! Man very awesome technique i will be utilizing this technique a lot
Great Post iftekhar, You very well explained the tips to generate traffic by organic keywords help. basically spy on competitors and get results. Will this techniques will work for new bloggers? as when they are starting their PA/DA will be very less then how they get the right competitor based on your suggestions.
Nice techniques man but what I like from all of these is ahref one as it helps the most. Even if we have a normal account, not a paid one this one is of real help when it comes to people who are starting out. Cheers! Mate.
Thank you Ifti Bhai for your great post. I am new blogger and I was in search for this kind of content. I am going to put those tips on action.
Really a great post . Helped me a lot tot generate a lot of traffic to my event blogs . i Found this trick to be relatively good and easy to get a huge traffic in no time on event blogs 🙂 Thanks iftekhar
Great Post. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing nice tips.
Thanks for sharing this mindblowing technique.
Thanks for this tip, that’s my 2nd comment!!
I am gone love your website!!
Hello Iftekhar,
I have been following your blog for many months and found useful post, keep more post like this..
Thank you
Sakshi Bajaj
Thanks for such a great article. Thank you for sharing Ur blogging strategies. Going to implement it Insa Allah!
Interesting blog! There are so many methods to increase the traffic to your site. But this technique of sweet steal really works. Business will not be successful until unless it learns from the others and along with implementing its own strategies to up-level the status. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Great trick! Helped me to steal a lot of great back links though ??? thanks to iftekhar to such tricks he gives !
Yeh!!!!that was awesome article I loved it amazing.iftiseo best website.
Nice article ! Really helped me to gain a lot of traffic ! Thanks to author . but your search engine option isn’t working ! The option that is used to find back links ! Please check and tell back
Wow.. What a mind blowing article. I enjoy every bit of your article. Thanks for sharing.
A guy read this article. Stole many backlinks and now I am stealing his. How irony.
Thanks for this awesome post
Fantastic and Great Tips iftekhar Brother, Mind Blowing,Writing Keep Sharing,
Heya!! Iftekhar ” THE SWEET STEAL Technique ” this Name was awesome dude!! And you post ??? can’t say any words 🙂 bro!!
Thankyou for such a great post
Harsh Chaklasiya
Hi Ahmed,
Most of the bloggers don’t share their secrets of blogging, but you are an exception. Keep it up bro. You have done a great research for picking keywords. I like this “Sweet Steal Technique”, will implement soon, but ahref is ask me to pay what can i do.
Me too used the off track content technique for my blog classiblogger, it really works well. Daily am getting more traffic through this off track content technique, i posted more than 10 contents which is not related to my blog, all these 10 contents giving more flow through google, bing, yahoo and even from yandex.
Thanks for sharing this awesome write up bro. Keep up writing like this. Hope to see your comments in my newly launched blog IndianMagz as well as ClassiBlogger.
Thanks for sharing this amazing traffic booster technic, i will try this in my hindi blog , what you think it will work or not.
Hi Iftekar ,
I must say that you discovered & revealed New technique that can help spying competitors keywords. Once we got keyword we can try our best to rank for those keyword. I checked this technique and lost 2 month struggling for ranking my blog. But Now gonna do same 🙂
Great technique. It actually works. It is such a wonderful technique to increase your traffic at another level. Really appreciate this “Sweet Steal Technique”.
Keep it up bro.
For sharing such nice tips, after implementing your trick my website traffic increased with few days..
Amazing technique for every blogger. I don’t like reading long articles but this article is well written with emoticons and funny stuffs. I learnt this technique and soon I’ll be implementing this 😀
This is a great tutorial, I enjoyed your tips.
Thanks for sharing.
bro why ahrefs didn’t work for me
he shows an error any time and forced to me for register
In your post you say that it gives 5 chances daily but it didn’t give me any chance
Arjun, try clearing your browser cache and try the same. following the steps which given by the author I’m able to do the analysis and now i got a fair idea. Hope this will bring good amount of traffic to my site in coming days… let me know still u face issue….
Iftekhar Ahmed, Thanks a lot for sharing the technique
Indeed incredible post . A detailed analysis to get ranked higher in search engine. Thanks a lot for providing us a technically stand out post to rank higher in search engine.
Thanks Iftekhar, just came to know this technique from your Facebook post.
What if a site’s blog post rank for multiple keywords , should we publish articles on all keywords ?
Awesome post bro ! Will surely try this method to boost my traffic.
Nice tutorial sir! #Hv been struggling with this since months. #Thanks for this guide nd i hope it works well for me. Bravo once again for this great tut.
hello Iftekhar Ahmed,
it really great post, This information will help for me.
Thanks again for sharing article……..
Thanks bro it really helpfull
Awesome bro. Seems very interesting. Will try it today itself. There’s no tomorrow 😉
Thanks bro…
For sharing such nice tip, after implementing your trick my website traffic increased with in a week.
Thanks bro…
For sharing such nice tips, after implementing your trick my website traffic increased with a week.
Nice post, will try these tricks. Keyword research always needed before writing a post.
Nice work man, keep going
This is something new and unique I have everseen. This sweet steal technique is just awesome.
Hello Iftekhar,
This is something new to me and it is amazing, going to try “Sweet Steal Technique” on my upcoming projects for sure.
Thank you sharing the knowledge with us. Keep rocking.
Hi Ahmed…
Excellent ideas. Thanks for writing such epic articles.
Very nice and informative article. Hmmm, Sweet steal technique, Nice name, We can rank new keywords just like our domain name. I use SEMrush and ahrefs to keep watch on competitors.
Thanks for the comment 🙂
Yes We can !! And yeah Semrush also works great for the same.
This is something new and unique I have everseen. This sweet steal technique is just awesome.
Thanks you.
Thanks for the comment. Glad that you liked it 🙂
Do you know 1 thing? I badly hate All said, All done tips. (Just kidding!)
But, here – Dear Iftekhar, I can just this one is Brilliant tips even for newbie.
When people don’t know something, for example hacking – Then most of people say “No, it is not for you, you can’t do this” They just try to put someone down. But here, I first time see, there are also few people like, who are being ready to help someone in genuine way. I know write lengthy article and SEO stuffs is easy, but sometime it just being for hoping for good day, and reading!!.. Here it is something different.
Hats off !!
i lernt very much from this article.
thanks for sharing this article #iftekhar
Hey Iftekhar, Once again, An awesome post. This is an unique idea to bring traffic to your website.
Very nice and informative article. Hmmm, Sweet steal technique. Thanks a lot for providing such high valued information.
I would like to say only one word “AAAAAAAAAAwesomeeeeee”.
I was thinking just that only onpage SEO will be help to gain organic traffic. Because I am n newbie so searching seo techniques like you posted here.
Awesome Anuj
very nice its really amazing…………i got
I must say this is an awesome and very informative post. I am happy to get something very new after lot of time. Thanks for writing this and I hope you will keep doing this job in future too.
Thanks for posting such a great article . Keep It up
Thank you for posting this article. This is very helpfull for me. Keep posting more and more article for us.
Ia m a newbie and i was looking for the same what you have written here. Thanks Ifti sir….
I have never ever seen this type of traffic guide(not even from big gaints like BBT etc).
just 4 words for you.
you made my day. 😉
Very nice and informative article. Hmmm, Sweet steal technique, Nice name, We can rank new keywords just like our domain name. I use SEMrush and ahrefs to keep watch on competitors.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice post bro I will try this new technique.
what an incredible post
Hi Bro , it’s Great
information about how to
increase traffic to our website.
Hi Ifti, I really enjoyed reading your article.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Iftekhar Ahmed, Great information about how to increase traffic to our website. I will follow this post to get more traffic to my website. There are so many posts on this website where we can learn a lot. Thanks for sharing
Hello Iftekhar Bro,
This is my first visit to your Blog and find one of the coolest post in my first visit.
Thanks for the awesome guidelines to boost blog traffic.
Hi Ifti,
Great tips here and a wonderful tuto!
Thanks for sharing this valuable information to grab traffic as well as other benefits!
Amazing to be here today.
Keep sharing
Have a great week of sharing and caring
Great post Iftekhar. I have recently found a profitable micro niche and would use this technique for sure.
This post seems to be Highly useful , Now some time for some experiment
Awesome. best till now. Nice bro n yes thnx.
Thanks mate, exactly what I needed. Now time to dig up some research!
Nice post… I bookmarked your blog and also subscribed so that i come again to get more
Very Useful Technique.. thx man..
Awesome share Ifti bro,first post of iftiseo in this new year just made my day.Many many thanks to you..
Thanks Ifti bro to give some special SWEETS on this New Year 2016 as your post is have something awesome strategies which sounds “wow” and yes it will help we all.
Thanks once again..
Really helpful article. Can’t wait to work on it. Thanks 🙂
Awesome article bro I am soon going to implement this thing on my blog and as u mention above that it will boost up my traffic so i wanna experiment that how much benefit i get from this
You’ve well written this post and this will not only help to rank instantly and boost traffic, but anyone who do not have enough money to buy SEO tools or doesn’t want to spend much on SEO tools before getting results can try this method too.
Frankly speaking if anyone (even me) write this article may hide that it is possible by aHrefs free version and suggest buying the pro version from their affiliate link to try this method.
Thanking you.
^_^ Time to eat some sweets :v :v
really useful technique to increase blog traffic.
thanks for sharing…..
Hello Ifti … The sweetness of this post is “well-explained guide.” Most probably, it is the next version of skyscraper technique.
BTW, I love your coined term “sweet steal techniques.”
And me too 🙂
Intresting article brother really helpful i will definetely try this method 😀
Semrush is a better choice for spying on competitors keywords I guess.
Anyways great content
haha…superb ifti bro.. you made my day with this awesome post.
thank you.
Awesome post buddy. Just started a blog. Will implement this technique. Thank you.
Nice work brother . Loved your article..
thanks for share
bhai,you are really rocking with super article….thanks a lot for sharing..
A great method to steal the traffic with a smile 🙂 The biggest problem of bloggers is choosing the right keyword and topic for the post. This method also minimizes this problem. They can steal the keyword and topic from their competitors blog. Nice bro Keep Experimenting 🙂
And an awesome article Iftekhar bro! Loved reading it 😀
Eye catching title ” sweet steal technique ” bro. This blogpost is much more sweeter than title. You have written it in a humorous style. I will impliment above mention steps to my blog.
Thanks, IFTI for this great share of awesome, sweetest stealing technique. Wonder why you named it the way.
Enjoyed reading and will implement it.
It’s time to rank and bank man..
Iftekhar Ahmed, You are really an amazing man!!
thankyou for sharing this trick with Us!
This was really a epic one iftekhar brother. Was very interesting to read and learned a lot new things too 🙂 thank you 🙂
Very Useful Technique Iftekar…Thanks for Posting.
Very much informative ifti.. Awesome writing style.. No one vl skip until they come to the end of post.. hope you have very gud bounce rate…
Amazing thing i have learned today thanks allot for sharing wonderful post
Iftekar bro,This is called a true technique.Im excited to try this out.Thank you Iftekar .
Perfect Post bro, It will definitely help newbies to make some amount of money to get started and pros too. 😀 Well, Sweet Steal Technique is the best fit name. Will be working on this on my next two sites. I’m excited to use these. Was looking for something like this. 😀
Hey bro,
very nice shot…i think this technique is going very popular. nothing could be simple like this. I wanted to ask one question here. CAn we create two accounts on Arefs with same IP?
Nice Technique… I will use this technique while working on valentine’s Blog.. 😛 :*
IFTI Bro, really amazing job, keep up the good work 🙂
Hi Iftekhar
What an awesome post I really love to read such kind if informative articles. Just awesome post bro. Learn a lot of things. Hope it will help me to rank in no time. i love your writing skills. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for sharing
I love the name sweet steal technique. I think we all are doing this since long but here you have shown a different way using some great examples. I do love the idea of doing focus only on same DA group sites.
Perfect name for this Technic 🙂
After posting articles on those keywords how you boost those posts ranking in google. My post is ranking on 3rd page.Can u tell me YOUR OWN methods to improve ranking of posts after publishing them.What to do after publish of a post ?
Technique is much sweet 😀
Awesome Post Bro.This will help newbies and newly made blog to get traffic 🙂
Hi Iftekhar
What an awesome post I really love to read such kind if informative articles that you have written. Well This techniques are very useful and amazing I think everyone should need to read this guide to learn effective ways step by step for increasing blog traffic.
Thank’s a lot bro i am bookmarking this post to read again.
Very nice article.
Learn a lot of things.
Definitely getting more and more is the most important for every bloggers.
Thanks for sharing
This is called true steal technique for competitor.. now i will steal your all ranking..
Wow, I am glad that I am a reader of your website. Becuase I got so many unique and useful stuff from here. Thanks Iftekhar for this awesome post. 🙂
Really great tips Iftekhar,
Thanks bro for sharing such beneficial information. Learning a lot from you and PTI 😉
Awesome! I have added to bookmarks!
You are forget about Serpstat, its like Semrush and Ahrefs lets you get the information about keyword volume, find your competitors and their ranking or traffic.
hai ifti its really awesome article i got so much knowledge regarding to yur post.
really this post helps us to get more traffic as well as ranking .
thanks for sharing bro
Hey Iftekhar,
Stunning post 😉 it really sounds interesting 😉 ! Lemme try it out & see 😀 Hope it will help me to rank in no time ! Thanks for sharing bro your knowledge online 😀 !
Warm regards,
Issac paul
Nice Article IFTI bro I am going to implement this technique in my tech blog.
Hi Iftekhar,
Awesome article man. Great tips to start a new blog and grow it rapidly. Thanks, will try to implement these tips.
Great job,very innovative,excellent 🙂
Keep up the good work 🙂
HI Ifti bro,
Superb post.
Learned a lot from this post.
awesome guide bro …..
Thanks bro for such a nice technuque
Awesome Bro! I Like this post very much. I read whole post. but bich m samjh ni aya. 😛 bade logo wali bate this.
After all Its I like all post. 🙂
Its really amazing bhai… I have ahref paid subscriptions and going to follow your idea
Started implementing it already.
Thanks for the tools and the method!
i love your writing skills, nice post about stealing yr competitor keywords
After a long time i learned d better strategy to get traffic thanks for the post @Iftekhar
Hey Iftekhar,
Nice post and great strategy! Can’t wait to implement this on my website!
Thank you so much!
Great post, bro! Really loved it 🙂
Hi Iftekhar,
The method is Great. Going To use it Now Onwards. Thnx for the Post and I Like the new Subscriber Widgets (bloom?).
Great post bro… Got an unique article after a long time… Thanks a lot.
First of all thanks for the awesome guide. Of course you’ve an ability to bind visitor with your article. Read each and every bite of your article and found very useful. You can use Semrush also for this.
1. Just enter the competitor’s website URL.
2. Go to organic research from left sidebar.
3. Now click on pages and see the top 10 ranking pages of that website.
Now just go through some posts and collect keywords and start writing quality article. This way you gonna rank easily but remember quality is must only then you can beat your competitor.
Well, Happy to see you back after a long time 🙂
A Great Article & Nice Guide,
I has been spying n publish article through RSS feed reader.
Will implement this also 😉
Awesome stratergies And Ideas.
Keep Updating
Arnab 🙂
Awesome article bro. Special sweet for BLoggers.
Iftekhar, It is really a great share from your side.. Hope to see more comments like this one 😀
i must say u took seo one more step up with ur techniques 🙂
Gonna implement this technique now onward by stealing competitor’s ranking keywords.
I think we can use semrush also for spying on competitor?
Name given is perfect “The sweet steal technique”.
Awesome Share bro. 🙂 (Y)..
Hi Iftekhar,
I just skimmed the post and I can see how nicely it’s written. Even without reading it, I’m convinced the post would be useful. I’m bookmarking it for future reference. Thanks for sharing!
Awesoem article bro.. I would really try it on my blog. You really do have a sweet traffic trick.. Haha..steal trick.. Hope it goes well 🙂
Excellent and a detailed post Iftekhar. Whenever I will serious about blogging then use this technique. Love your way of writing.
Hi bro,
Seriously This post was damn awesome,One thing that strikes me the most is your style of writing….Whoa you explain stuffs so elegantly,I could understand the concept behind this very well just by reading it once,Very well written bro,And Also I came to know much about ahrefs from this article.Kudos! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article
Looking forward for more from you,
Nice work brother . Loved your article..
Ifti bro thanks for this one as I have got special ideas now and that’s all because of you man. Next time you’ll come to Mumbai, you may get a special breakfast treat from me or even a better one 😛 Do ping on FB whenever you’re free man. This Sweet Steal technique is going to make many bloggers like me happy, while those who have already those huge success might now start targeting more keywords. Ifti your ideas are always great. You’re going to earn huge money by the time you’ll be 30 and that time you may have may Startups of your own. Remember my words. Keep ranking and achieve more success.
Awesome Stuff Iftekhar Bhai 😀 . Will implement this ” Sweet Steal Technique” in my new blogs
Hi bro,
There is nothing new here, In simple words, if you want to write a article on certain topic like ex. wordpres tips, then go to google search type that keywords see you competitors, write article on it, do seo. thats it. I dont think we should use ahrefs for this.
ahrefs is waste of time.
Why need such tool if we can do this without it ? If we have that talent that we can build whole pilar.
At last, this article is more about ahrefs site.
I loved the way you wrote, and happy too. Enjoy bro.
hey, bro… It is really interesting technique. You made it special by giving it a name. I use this technique for niche blogs and also to get ideas to write articles on them. Also, to steal traffic of our competitors! It’s great! Just subscribed to blog too!
Adarsh Sojitra
Great post Iftekhar. I have recently found a profitable micro niche and would use this technique for sure.
Thanks for the great article..Keep Sharing such stuffs.
Nice work man, keep going.
Liked the descriptiveness of the post. Will try to implement these strategies if possible! 😀
Me to sir, I purely agree with you, this is very nice and detailed , thanks
Hi Ifti,
Really this is sweet steal technique! As I am a newbie in blogging I will follow your every step and hoping to boost my website traffic. Thank you, Mate! Cheers!
Hello Iftekhar,
This is Awesome man.
I am using SEMRush to spy my competitors.
superb bro 🙂
Thank You
Its good technique and somewhat similar to Sky Scrapper.
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