Videos industry is growing at a rapid rate and users are preferring video content over textual. And with this comes a huge opportunity for all of us in this industry.
It’s high time that you should also try making and uploading Videos !!
And when we talk about Videos, the first thing that comes to our mind is Youtube. A free platform where anyone can upload and watch videos.
So are you planning to start your own channel on YouTube?? (By the end of this post you should be convinced enough to start one 😉 )
Anyways, one question that I see everywhere is, “what type of videos should I make and upload on YouTube?” or “What is the best niche for YouTube?”.
That’s what I will be explaining in this post.
What is the Best YouTube Niche?
Before starting, Let me clear one thing that there’s no Good or bad niche on YouTube. Instead, you should start with something that you are good and familiar with.
If you still don’t have any idea, then do read this post as I unfold almost all the possible channel ideas that you can go for. 😉
Here’s what I have for you. 🙂
- Different Types of Channels You can Make
- How to Get Ideas for your Videos
- Stats of various YouTube Channels to help you understand better.
Let me answer all of them !! 🙂
Before I start, let me clear out one thing !! If you are hesitant or not willing to use your face or Video then you probably are not suited for YouTube.
Yes !!
Its reality!! It’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to survive on Youtube wth videos not having your voice or face !!
So if you are planning to get started, do boost up your confidence and believe in your voice.
Also, remove the idea of earning money right from the start. Don’t think that 100s of people will start watching you from Day 1. It takes time and you have to keep your patience.
If you are impatient, then again this is not the right platform for you.
Coming back to the topic..
Let’s read the different types of youtube videos you can make..
Best Youtube Channel Ideas
Let me first list as many as I can !! I am listing them on a broader view, all these can be again divided into multiple types.
- Vlogging Channel
- Music Covers/Music/Song/Dance Channel
- Tech Channel
- Funny Channel
- Drama Channel
- News Channel
- Cooking Channel
- Beauty/Makeup/Fashion/Lifestyle Channel
- How to/Tutorial/DIY Channel
- Gaming Channel
- Informative Channel
- Pranks Channel
- Short Films Channel
- Travelling Channel
- Interview Channel
- Top Listings Channel
- Reviews Channel
- Education Channel
- Health Channel
- Reaction Channel
- Sports Channel
- Animals/Pet Channel
And a lot more. This list can be enormous and so are the opportunities !!
You just have to pick the right flavor and you can do wonders.
Still not convinced ??
Then do read the details below. I will be explaining each channel type with some examples and live results of people working on it.
After reading it, I am sure you will have a changed mind with some confidence to start your career at YouTube.
Vlogging Channel
According to Wikipedia,
A video blog or video log, usually shortened to vlog /ˈvlɒɡ/, is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts.
Yes, that’s all of it !!
Vlogs usually include day to day routine of the individual that includes shopping, eating, playing, having fun, enjoying around the streets, walking down the streets etc.
Sounds cool??
If you wonder how big of a business this is, then let me tell you that many vloggers are making over 1 million dollars every year just by uploading regular vlogs.
Adam Saleh makes over 700,000$ every year just from his vlogs. RomanAtwoodVlogs makes somewhere between 2-6 million dollars every year.
Let me list some of the best vlogging Channels that I personally watch EVERY FREAKING NIGHT !!
- CaseyNeistat – 6.8+ Million Subscribers
- Adam Saleh Vlogs– 2.8+ Million Subscribers
- RomanAtwood Vlogs – 12+ Million Subscribers
Some more Vloggers who I watch quite often are:
- MoVlogs – 3.2+ Million Subscribers
- Slimmofication2 – 349k+ Subscribers
- SuperWomanVlogs – 1.9+ Million Subscribers
The subscriber count is a clear indication of how much these guys are being loved by their fans and subscribers. Do watch some of their vlogs and you will know how they showcase their daily life to the world.
I would also like to mention few more people who are new to vlogging.
- BhavAndSim Vlogs – All in one channel, vlogs sometimes
- Hassaan Khan Vlogs – Dedicated Pakistani Vlogger
- Captain India – Young Indian Vlogger
Inspired by them ?? You can also start vlogging but the thing is, no one can explain you on how to do vlogging. It’s a practical thing that you must try on doing yourself.
Most of the vloggers usually start recording part of their vlogs as soon as they wake up and then record various events throughout the day. You can do the same, take your camera (you can use your mobile phone with Selfie stick) and start recording your activities. Every night, combine all the clips that you recorded in the day and upload it to YouTube using a good title and a thumbnail.
One important thing to learn here is, it’s not easy to become a popular vlogger. You have to provide your audience a reason to watch your vlogs daily.
For example, Roman Atwood is known for his adventurous vlogs, some of his popular vlog videos showed him destroying a cop car, skydiving with her girlfriend, racing his cars, playing around with his RCs , etc !!
Another great example is of CaseyNiestat who is known for his superb editing skills. He travels around his city in a boosted board (an electrical skateboard) while shooting mind blowing videos from his drone cameras.

Some of his videos have over 15 million views including the one below.
While some vloggers are just famous because of their normal regular vlogs. But they still tend to have an impact on their viewers, same is what you must be working on.
It might sound odd, but once you start making vlogs, you will start understanding what your viewers usually like.
However, you don’t need any professional skills to create vlogs. Even a 5th standard kid can record and upload vlogs.
I don’t believe that I have to explain the technical parts of uploading a video, however, I do have some short tips for those who are really willing to give vlogging a try !!
- The first and the most important thing is, you have to be confident while you vlog around the streets.
- There’s no time limit, you can post a 5-minute vlog or you can even post a 25-minute vlog. It’s all up to you.
- The success mantra is, maintain consistency and upload regularly.
- Try posting Daily vlogs instead of weekly vlogs.
- Share your vlogs on social media, you have to build the initial set of subscribers by sharing your vlogs on social networks.
Let me move on to the next type of channel you can make on YouTube !!
Music/Dance/Music Cover Related Channel
Music touches hearts!! And for many of us, its a way of life !! It’s a way to express life, feelings and a way to live.
For some, it’s pure passion !!
If you are a music freak or singer then YouTube is a perfect platform for you. You can run;
- A channel where you upload your Music Covers !!
- A channel where you upload your own Music (instrumental or song)!!
- A channel where you upload your dance videos !!
- And a lot more.
Or you can do everything on a single channel.
From past few years, a lot of singers and dancers gained fame just through social media and YouTube !! A lot of singers and dancers are getting into movies just because they successfully showcased their talent to the world.
And many of them are just running their channels and making money through the YouTube AdSense program.
So if you are into doing covers, Here are a few examples !!
Conor Maynard is quite famous for his covers and music that he uploaded on YouTube. He currently has over 4.5 million subscribers and is earning huge just with YouTube Partner Program.
One of his cover !!
There are many instrumental cover channels which are doing great on YouTube. Elvira Gonsalves is an example !! She has got great numbers, with only 7-8 uploads on her entire channel she has started making money.
And if you are a good dancer, then you can have a dance channel as well.
Andree Bonifacio is an example that I got when I searched for some dance covers. She has been running her channel since 2012 but only started uploading regularly recently. She has over 27000 subscribers but her videos sometimes do go viral. Her following video got over a million views which brought huge money in her pockets.
Here are some of her stats according to
There are many such channels which are doing well on YouTube !!
Let me share some keywords that people generally search for:
- “Song Name” Song Cover
- “Song name” instrumental
- “Song Name” Dance Tutorial
- “Song Name” Dance cover
- “Song Name” Dance choreography
Usually, it’s good to target songs that are new and trending !! Most of the successful channels are doing the same.
A big advantage of Music cover/dance channel is that your video can go viral anytime !! Most of these channels gain subscribers only with the help of one single video that gets viral.
One great example is, Nidhi Kumar (19000+ Subscriber). a channel with just 16 uploads but over 3,200,000 views. Her channel makes around 100-500$ per month with just 16 videos. The secret behind is, one of her dance tutorial video got over 2 million views. She made between 1000-10000$ with that SINGLE video.
One thing to notice is, all of these channels have QUALITY !! Without quality, you won’t be able to touch such numbers!!
But if you have talent, then there’s no stopping in between. With this, I hope you understood the concept of Music, Dance, Cover channels !! 🙂
Tech Channel
I don’t think that an explanation is needed here !!
It’s as simple as it sounds !! Recall some of the biggest tech sites you know and check out their YouTube channel. You will find that this category is very broad and every channel has its own flavor.
Some of the most common subcategories under tech are:
- Tech News (News about launches, updates etc)
- Videos on Various Tech Issues
- Tech tutorials and How to’s
- Device Reviews (Mobile phones, Pc hardware, laptops, speakers etc)
A lot more can be done.
I am listing few channels that cover almost everything around technology niche. Also, note that these channels are well established and have a huge authority on the internet.
- CNET – Covers Reviews, News, Technical Device Comparisons etc
- TheVerge – Covers Reviews and News
- Jay Kapoor – Young Indian YouTuber posting regular tech related videos.
Funny Channel
Can you make people laugh ?? Can you crack jokes on Youtube ??
Well, many people are running funny channels where they usually spend time sharing funny clips or jokes or anything that can make a viewer laugh.
For example, have a look at Funny Vines YouTube channel. This channel mostly uploads compilations of Funny vines and by doing so the channel has earned over 798,000 Subscribers.
Here are some stats of a channel named “FailFun”.
These channels upload funny compilations:
- Accidents
- Fails
- Mistakes
- Jokes, etc.
Drama Channel
On YouTube, Drama is more often related to gossips, stories, and incidents happening among different YouTubers. These channels simply post videos talking about the smallest of incidents happening around the lives of various YouTubers.
For example, Have a look at this video;
Got the point?? Also, have a look at the stats of this channel.
One more famous channels that come under this category is Scarce.
If you explore YouTube for such videos, you will find out more and more about how these channels are working and how much attention these channels get. 😉
Anyways, I won’t recommend you to start with this unless you yourself have a good info about various YouTubers. You just cannot blindly start a drama channel.
News Channel
With the rapid increase of online audience, people around the world are now preferring Internet as their source of every information and News. With that being said, a huge number of audience is now watching NEWS on Youtube.
Yes, many TV news channels have started their own live streams on YouTube. And guess what, they get quite a good number of views.
Apart from the live news streams, there are many channels that post short news videos frequently. Such channels get a good viewership as well.
So, if you have a team of members, you can start one such channel 😉
Cooking Channel
I know I could have listed this category under “how to” channels but the reason I am mentioning it seperately is due to the fact that cooking channels are one of the fastest growing channels on Youtube. Though Cooking channels have audience mostly from the Indian Subcontinent, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from starting a cooking channel.
Here’s a channel named: Dolly Kitchen
This channel is not even a year old but the number of views and subs it has gained is quite impressive.
1 million views in last 30 days is really a good number for a channel not too old. This channel is easily earning $200+ monthly (or even upto $4000 as shown by social blade)
It all depends on how well you teach cooking on your videos. For example, have a look at this channel started on 7th Jan 2017.
Started this year and already making $1000-30000 a month. Impressive, isn’t it?
There are many such cooking channels on Youtube that have gained good audience !! So if you are a good in cooking food you may well start recording videos.
Have a look at this channel started by my friend Harshita. She has started gaining good number of views and her channel proves that cooking is really a great youtube niche to work.
Let’s move on to the next one 😉
Beauty/Makeup Channel
Run mostly by Girls, such channels usually are intended to teach girls/women on how to do perfect makeup, how to do perfect hairstyle, etc.
I am not sure about the best makeup channel on Youtube, however, I found out that there are 1000s of channels with great views. One such channel that looks big to me is SaraBeautyCorner. She covers everything from makeup to nail art and now has over 5 million subscribers.
Another channel that came to my notice is “Baozi & Hana’s Makeup Channel“. This channel is not so active yet it has some good stats. Have a look yourself.
One more new channel that is gaining good audience is, JustgirlyStuff 101. She have posted some really great videos, like this
So, if you’re a girl who loves doing makeup then this should interest you. Who knows your channel may become the next big makeup channel
Anyways moving on…
How to/Tutorial Channel
I have already talked about some of the child categories of “How to”. Under this heading, I am focusing on this category as a whole.
Have a look at this channel, they upload “how to” videos of various tech related queries. A lot of ideas can be taken from there.
There are tons of channels that are simply focused on teaching you do everyday things like, “how to wear a tie”, “how to wear a watch”, how to cut wood”, how to swim”, etc.
It can be literally anything you can think of. And if you don’t believe, just head over to youtube and search for any “how to” topic and you will find tons of videos in results. Also, notice the views on such videos, you will be stunned to see those numbers.
That’s the power of this category.
Have a look…
Out of all the topics posted in this article, this very category is one of the easiest to start with. 😉
Let’s move on to the next category !!
Gaming Channel
Are you a gamer? Do you love playing games? If yes, then there’s a big opportunity waiting out there for you.
You can record your gameplay and upload it on youtube. One of the biggest Youtuber now, PEWDIEPIE started doing the same. He started posting videos of himself playing Minecraft. Today he has 54 million subscribers and is the highest earning individual YouTuber on the platform!!
Here is a snap of a popular gaming channel on Youtube.
One cool thing about running a gaming channel is that you have 100s of options to chose from.
- You can play any game that you like.
- You can post full gameplay videos.
- You can simply upload some tips.
- You can post your online gameplay videos.
- You can upload compilation videos
- You can explain how to play a specific level/mission.
- You can live stream your gameplay.
- You can post hacks, tricks etc
And a lot more !!
For example, recently released game Resident Evil 7 was trending all over youtube in the gaming section. Every YouTuber who is into gaming played the game and uploaded the gameplay videos of it. I myself being a fan, watched people going crazy for the game over YouTube. There were literally over 50 live gameplay streams on Youtube at peak times where people were playing this game.
Same happened with GTA 5 and other games.
So, do not underestimate gaming niche at all. It probably is one of the easiest niches to start with.
Anyways, let’s move to the next one…
Pranks Channel
Can you pull pranks on others? Can you pull pranks on your dad or mom?
Pranking others is a famous trend these days and with this, there’s a huge rise in the number of prank channels on Youtube. No doubt many pranks done by big pranksters are fake but that doesn’t mean they are not worth watching.
The audience loves watching pranks videos and due to this fact, I encourage those of you who love doing pranks to create a channel on Youtube and start posting a few of them.
Some of the well-known pranksters are:
- PrankvsPrank – 10 Million Subs
Jack Vale Films – 1 Million Subs
VitalyzdTv – 9 Million Subs
- MagicofRahat – 4 Million Subs
There are 100s of such channels but I can’t list them all. Do watch some of the videos and get more youtube video ideas for pranks.
There are certain categories of pranks that people do on YouTube. Some are Public pranks while some pranks pulled on girlfriend/boyfriend/friend/wife etc.
Anyway, do watch the one I posted above and get some video ideas 😉
Short Films
Watch this one first. 😉 A sweet short film…
If you are more into acting and have some friends with similar talents you can start making short films.
Short films are loved by many viewers on Youtube and you can literally gain good amount of subscribers and reach provided your short film is worth watching.
Here is a channel that is doing well, Cameron Covell.
Wong Fu Productions is also a well-known channel for Short films and web series on YouTube. Here are some of their stats:
Let’s move on to the next one.
Travel Channels
We all travel a lot, May it be from one city to other or from one street to another. During this little journey, we often have some great moments that we always wish to have it captured. So why not carry a camera and capture your travel, your journey, etc.
That is what many people have started doing on YouTube. People have started channels where they upload their videos captured during a holiday or a vacation etc..
Have a look at this video uploaded by Ivana on TRAVEL VLOG IV.
I myself love watching people explore new places !! 🙂
So if you are a person who travels a lot, then do consider starting a channel where you could upload all those great moments captured during your journey.
Interview Channels
Not so famous but such type of channels can do well if executed properly.
You can create a channel where you upload videos of yourself interviewing big personalities like models, politicians, players, celebrities etc.
For example, “the apartment with asif and baluch” is a YouTube channel where you can find interviews only.
And with 32 videos only, their stats looks good to me.
No doubt a tough niche, but still worth notifying.
Top Listings Channels
My favorite time pass activity on YouTube is watching “Top 10” videos of any topic. They always are very much knowledgeable and fun to watch.
Let me share some channel links to show you what I am talking about.
Check out these channels:
Watch these channels, get an idea and try coming up with one such channel.
The better topics you pick the better the chances of getting good amount of subscribers.
Reviews Channel
One more good choice is to start a channel where you review various products. A lot of people do review videos on Youtube and earn a good amount.
If you are confused on what items you can review, here are some:
- Books
- Mobile Phones
- Electronic Accessories
- Software, Apps and web services
- Restaurants
- And a lot more….
With Reviews channel you have multiple options to earn
- You can earn via AdSense
- You can do Affiliate Marketing and earn commissions for every sale coming from your affiliate link.
- You can earn via sponsored content/videos. Companies pay a lot in order to get their product featured/reviewed on a YouTube Channel.
One of my Facebook Friend, Manpreet Kaur is doing really well with here Channel Indian Booktuber where she reviews various novels and books that she reads.
Top 10 Software Reviews is one example of a channel that does software reviews. Though it does not get a lot of views but as I said before, adsense is not the only source of income for such vides. So in these cases the channel creator might be earning through paid reviews, sponsored content or other incentives.
There are tons of other channels that are focused on reviews only !! Do explore them and start one if it interests you.
Education Channel
For many people Teaching is fun !!
And a lot of people have taken their teaching classes over YouTube to start making money off it. If you have got some skills why not teach others the same and YouTube is the best possible platform to upload such videos.
There are 100s of channels focused on helping students improve their chemistry, maths, drawing, etc !! Almost everything can be found.
Even I watched many videos in other to learn “Theory of Computations” !!
Let me share the example of the channel I used to learn myself..
““Gate Lectures by Ravindrababu Ravula“. This channel has over 200k subscribers and is getting over 1 millions views every month.
This channel is now easily making around 300-5000$ every month. That’s some really good income. 🙂
So, I specially recommend professors and teachers to start their own YouTube channels. More and more people are preferring video lectures to learn as videos lectures tend to be more easy to understand. With this point being said, you should grab this opportunity and try your hands on YouTube.
Reaction Channel
Have a look first !!
Reacting to music videos, songs, funny scenes etc in front of the camera is what Reaction Videos mean. It’s quite a famous trend on YouTube as we see more and more people starting to react on various videos online.
I have already written a complete guide on how one can start earning money by making reaction videos.
One thing I like to add here is, it’s not only about reacting to music !! You can react to almost anything, there are channels where people are uploading their reaction to sports videos.
Have a look at the stats of “Sports Reactions” Channel;
The channel was created in Jan 2017 and it has gained really great numbers since then. It’s already getting over 500k views a month, and with that number of views, he is easily earning somewhere between $150-2500 every month !! How cool is that? 😀
Reaction videos is a trend !! Start one such channel soon. 😉
Sports Channel
I don’t recommend this category due to the huge amount of copyright issues you may face, however since I am including most of the categories I feel that it’s good to mention sports here.
There are tons of channels that are solely focused on creating videos focusing a particular sport or a player. Here are the stats of one such channel that uploads such sport videos;
This channel is now earning around 200-3000$ a month!!
I would also like to mention the channel of my one friend, XtremeJaw WWE Facts. This channel is doing pretty good and is getting nearly 350k views every month. They do not post videos rather they post interesting facts on their channel. The numbers of this channel are pretty good as well. 😉
Another example is of CR7Studios, a channel that posts various videos of Football. This channel is out there on YouTube since 2013 and is easily making somewhere between $1000-20000 every month. 🙂
Most of the videos that are famous under sports category are:
- Compilation videos of best/funny/odd etc moments
- Highlight Videos
- Top 10 videos
- Fights/Rare Moments
- Player Videos
- Best Moves/shots/goals etc type of videos
Pet/Animal Channel
Do you have a pet? If yes, start shooting videos of your pet and start uploading them on Youtube !! 😛 haha
Yeah, there are many channels on pets that are doing really well on Youtube. One such channel is TigerProductions having over 1 million subscribers. This channel upload videos of funny animal moments, compilations, cute moments etc.
Enjoy one of their video:
This is indeed another really interesting Youtube Channel idea that you can work on.
7 More Youtube Video Ideas
Here are some more Youtube Ideas for Videos/channels !! 🙂
- Health Channel – You can post medical facts, remedies, and other information
- Talent Channel – You can upload videos of your own talents.
- Motivational/Inspiration Channel – Another great youtube channel idea that you should know about. A lot of motivational speakers started their career from Youtube.
- Compilation Channel – You can compile videos of any category and upload it on your channel.
- Bizzare/Unique Channel – Have something odd to share? Make a channel and upload videos on it.
- Baby channel – You can upload videos of your baby or make a channel with various compilation videos of funny baby moments.
- Finance/Stock Related Channel – If you are into stock trading or forex or anything related then this can be your perfect channel idea. Have a look at this channel by one of my friend.
Your Turn Now!!
So !! That’s a total of 4000+ words to help you find out the best channel idea for YouTube. Did you get any??
Do explore the videos and links I added, those are added to add more value to the article. And yeah for some fun as well 😉
By the way, One thing you should notice is that it’s all about the quality that brings the money in. The better your videos are the better will be the results.
After this article, I don’t think there should be any question about what niche you should start your youtube channel on. 🙂
A full YouTube Guide is in progress and this article is one part of it, I will be posting more articles about YouTube in the coming weeks.
27 Responses
Remarkable post
This awesome article is Featured in LifeHacker!
Great work mate. Hardwork pays, and that’s true.
Really got Inspired.
Thanks, Iftekhar Bhai for such an awesome article with creative ideas.
Interview Channel is Awesome!
Inspired a lot 🙂
I’m exploring more interview Channels.
Great article. These ideas help many YouTube channels to grow easily. Thanks for sharing these amazing ideas! 🙂
Awesome Points for Youtube. Learned a lot from you and iftiSEO. Thanks for sharing this great article.
I was checking channels that you mentioned in your post. One of them was Nidhi Singh (DANCE).
I wanted to ask how they manage to bypass the copyright claim for such dance videos ? I tried to upload somethings once and got copyright strike and my video was not eligible for Monetization.
This is one of example of such videos. :
Nice article can you write post on how to use google keyword planer to display post on google’s first page .
It’s a great post related to the preparation of online video channels and ideas preparation. It really works great for me. I always wants to have my own online video channel of YouTube. Your tips really helps me to have an account, where whom i can share my videos.
Very nice list, thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.
Gud one Ifti Bro , it’s very informative article for new youtubers … now i’m gonna try cooking channel
Great list of Youtube ideas. It will really help new YouTubers to choose one of the topic.
But , there are also many youtube Channels which are completely unique from others. There is a channel called “Licking Guy” who use to lick anything from Walls of buildings to daily stuffs.
The more interesting thing is that people do watch these types of contents.
Thank you for sharing such an awesome article 🙂
Good Work Iftekhar. It’s the best list, and I would say the best first step tips for anyone who wants to start new YouTube channel.
So, as you’ve done so much research, would you reveal now if you are thinking to start your Channel? 😉
Its easy said then done. Really nice article, quite long though. Yes, i want to record and present myself in front of camera. I have canon 600d. But how to present this is a question which is easy said then done. Could you give us a link which will be helpful for us. So, that i can start my own health channel
very detailed article man
Thanks For Such A nice a Great Sharing. Love you Boss.
I have a YouTube channel and once I posted my GTA 5 gameplay though I had not enough idea about recording gameplay and how to compress it. Your article can be a great inspiration for thousands like me! Hats off.
Good article bro. But i think it’s difficult to earn from these niches as they have high competition. Anyway let’s try.
Great Idea Bro, Will try some new way to earn money online. 🙂
Awesome list.. I have a doubt in mind. There are lots of Youtubers who run Huge Sports channels.. How do they get those videos and how they bypass the copyrights.. Please share some light on this bro..
This is Very Interesting Youtube Channel Ideas,
good Work Dear,
Thanks For Sharing Awesome List Brother,
#Pro Log 😛
Thanks for for sharing this post , Amazing Ideas For YouTube….Thanks Again….
very nice list
Ah! This is again an epic article, loved this. I also started a channel on Pranks, Let see how much subscribers I’ll get. I am having 400 subscribers now.
Thanks, Iftikhar Brother for sharing such an amazing youtube channel ideas 🙂
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