Multi-Niche blog!! Yeah, a trend these days among many bloggers specially from India. Many new blogs with a Multi-Niche tag were started over the past few months but if you take a deep look into it, you will find only few blogs which have come up well in all aspects. And yes some extraordinarily well blogs also being added to Google news index.
Even I own one multi niche blog, eCloudTimes, which is currently run by one of my friend. And yes to be honest, running such blog is probably the most difficult task to do. So here in this post I will be listing out the key points to remember before starting/running one such blog.
But before starting, I would like you to take a minute and think about all the questions that might come in your mind regarding multiniche blogs (meanwhile let me enjoy some increase in page session duration 😛 ). Okay here are some common questions that I feel are very common,
- Which Platform is the best for a multi-niche blog?
- How many articles daily sould be posted ?
- How to do link building ?
- What not to post on a multi-niche blog?
- How to earn from it ?
Well these are some questions that came to my mind and I will be answering them all throughout this post and as usual if you are lazy to read the complete article just follow the bold colored text and you will understand everything.
8 Key Points to Remember while Running a Multi-Niche Blog
A lot has to be taken care of while running a multi niche blog, as you will always be under the eyes of Google. So make sure to keep these 8 points in mind while working on your blog.
1. Post Articles Daily- 1 Ain’t Enough
This is where it all begins and also where it can end. A multi niche blog means that you have to keep an eye on every category and make sure to keep it updated. And this is possible only when you start posting daily and by daily I don’t mean 1-2 articles. You need to post atleast 4+ articles daily.
2. Post on all Niches – You own a “MULTI-NICHE blog”
It can be seen on many multiniche blogs that after a month or so, the categories start vanishing. People stop posting on all niche regularly and they tend to post on just 1-2 niches. The reason why they start doing this is because of the “TRAFFIC” they get from some categories. This is a good thing but if you plan to get your site a good authority overall and also for getting included well in google news then you must take care of your categories.
3. Don’t Work Alone – Hire writers or Make a team
Working alone on such a blog can be hectic and you can miss out on many things. Moreover posting daily and that too more than 3 articles (atleast) can cause lack of quality in content which inturn can affect a lot. So its recommended to make a team and work accordingly, this will make things easier and effective. You can also go for hiring content writers but make sure you don’t compromise with the quality of your articles.
4. SEO should be Everywhere – Niche Doesn’t Matter
One more point that can lead to a complete failure of your multi niche blog is SEO optimization. It has been observed on many such blogs that SEO is not being followed. Such blogs without SEO optimized content and site cannot live for long, an update can kill them completely and if you feel updates don’t come much often, check out Mozcast yourself.
So make sure to post well optimized content with proper use of Heading tags, image attributes, permalink, keyword usage and all those points that come under On-Page SEO.
Infact better SEO can help you get good rankings and more importantly you can stick onto your rankings which many blogs fail to.
5. Platform – WordPress Recommended
If you ask me this question I will straight away point to WordPress. This doesn’t mean that blogger is bad or blogger cannot be used but the reason behind it is the control you get. Multi-niche blogs have many categories and different types of posts (including movie reviews) and all this can be done effectivly with WordPress. Multiple authors can be managed well according to roles as well in WP.
Moreover you can choose from a wide variety of customizable themes that you cannot get on blogger platform.
However if you don’t wish to invest, you can still go with blogger. There won’t be any negatives in terms of ranking and SEO.
6. Avoid Link Building
Making backlinks for a multi niche website is one more mistake that many guys do and later on they start facing the negative consequences of it. Avoid making links, the reason I am saying this is because you will be posting good number of SEO optimized content and daily, this is something that Google loves. And if you follow something that Google loves, then you will be rewarded and in this case Authority and high rankings will be your gift.
So don’t go for link building, all you can do is start sharing your posts on Social media and other content sharing websites to improve your social signals.
7. Monetization – AdSense is the Best
Well when it comes to earning money from your site, the first ad network that comes to our mind is Google AdSense. And this should be your main focus, whenever you start getting good traffic on daily basis apply for an account and if your content is unique you will be surely accepted.
Start monetizing the blog with AdSense ads, don’t over optimize it. The Ad-CTR may be really low but you need not to worry about it since its very common on these niches.
You can also try on affiliate marketing with your blog and believe me, dedicated posts promoting some deals or a product works really well. I made over 1000$ with just single posts on one of my multi niche blogs.
Moreover once you get a good Alexa, DA and other metrics, you will be getting contacted by many sponsors for paid reviews. Go for them and it will also add up to your income.
Also Read: 6 Best Ways To Monetize Your Blog
8. Have Patience – This is the KEY
This might not sound that heavy but this point holds the future of your multi-niche blog. You have to be well patient enough for the initial couple of months and maintain regularity.
This point cannot be explained in more detail, as a blogger you must be knowing about the role of being patient in blogging.
Also Read: 15 Ridiculously Useful Tips You Should Know
More Points to Remember
Okay so these were some key points to remember, but wait!! I have some more tips for you.
- Choose a fast loading theme with a responsive nature
- Choose a reliable hosting on the first go, avoid migrations later
- Go for magazine themes. Newspaper is one of the bests in the category
- Make all required pages such as Contact us, about us, privacy policy etc.
- Don’t use too many plugins, keep it light and fast.
- Run social media accounts to build brand reputation.
Some Limitations of running a Multi-Niche Blog
No doubt if you follow everything accordingly you will succeed with your multi topic blog but you will or can still face some difficulties. So Before I add on some of my points, I would like you to take a look and read at Kulwant Nagi’s post Why a New Blogger Shouldn’t Start with Multi Niche Blog?
And here are some disadvantages or I must use the word “Limits” of having a Multi-niche blog.
- Difficult to get Loyal Readers.
- Hard to get good number of Subscribers.
- Adsense alone won’t help much.
- You won’t get many Advertisers, as they like to approach a single niche blog.
Well Even Harsh Agrawal has written a post and to know more about it you must really read his post, Single Topic vs Multi Topic Blog.
So I guess these tips including the above mentioned key points are well enough to help you get started and start making money with a multi niche blog. Do you have something to share or ask ? Well that’s what the comment box is for, feel free to use it.
11 Responses
Amazing piece of analysis and fascinating post. This help both beginner and experienced webmaster combined. Thanks a lot for taking your time and putting in so much effort to write this up. Thanks for the great article like always!
A single niche blog is not easy to handle talk more of multi niche. It takes patience, serious hardwork and dedication to achieve a good success on it.
Hello iftikhar,
This proved to be a great guide but also gave me a mini heart attack, for I am running a multiniche site, posting 3 4 articles daily is next to impossible and frankly speaking don’t have a budget to hire writers at this stage. Feeling concerned!
Hey there, I have a multi niche blog, and it is very difficult to manage, researching keywords to rank takes most of the time, but still no good results.
You can check out my website
And if you can suggest some changes, that you think may help my website, that would be appreciated.
Hi I am running multi niche blog. Earlier I didn’t build links my blog Alexa was global 150000 and Indian rank was 24k. But I am unable to update regularly and I started accepting guest posts and started making backlinks. All of the sudden Alexa gone high. I ‘ll try to update regularly. Thanks for sharing.
I have started my new blog. This information really help me to take my decision.
Thanks for the informative post.
Hi Iftekhar,
Currently i am working on multiple niche blog and i was not posting regularly.
But from now I will post daily as much as i can. But will you please tell me about keyword research ? what kind of keywords we shoud choose? AS i noticed in multiple niches there is high compition on keywords, so what will you suggest? we should chose long tail keywords with low kc ? or we can chose single or two words keyword with high kc?
You’re not kidding about keeping up with every category. It’s hard to create an even number of posts when running a multi niche blog. I guess I will have to start increasing the amount of daily posts I make. Wish me luck! Thanks so much for the tips!
Hi Iftekhar,
Handling a multi-niche blog is a very difficult job. I started as a multi niche blog. But I did not see much results from it. Few months back I converted my multi niche blog to single niche blog. Now, I am getting better results. BTW, nice post mate 🙂
Because of many limitations, I’m not into the multi niche.
Well you said right bro i am also running multi niche blog and believe me it is too much difficult to handle and rank on google serp. By the way i am trying my best but if i don’t feel better with it i will move to technology blog. But i want to thank you for this awesome article you can also check my website ebloggertimes
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