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Simple Tweak To Reduce Bounce Rate by Over 50% |
What is Bounce Rate ?
Common Methods to Decrease Bounce Rate (BR)
- Avoid PopUps: Popups are very annonying to many visitors and they close your site once they get a popup message from your blog.
- Internal Linking: It is indeed a great way to encourage your readers to open further links and ultimately lower your BR. Try to do interlink atleast 3 of your links in every post.
- Responsive Theme/Template: Use responsive templates that works well on all platforms and resolutions.
- Use Related Posts Widget/Plugin: Use such widgets to further encourage your readers to read more of your posts. We use LinkWithin blogger widget in our blogs
- Write Short Paragraphs: We are not saying to write less number of words but yes do write small paragraphs as many a times viewers feel lazy after seeing a long para and thus leave your blog which again lowers your BR.
- Improve Loading Time: This again is an important factor responsible for your high bounce rates. Increase your page load time by removing unnecessary third party widgets or plugins.
- Color and Font properties: Improve your site’s look by using attractive colors that would not look dizzy. Change your font size and style such that your content looks more readable and attractive. You can change your blogger font properties using this method.
- Search Box: Offer a search box to your readers that will again help them to find more content on your blog.
- Relevant Content: Always post relevant content on your blog. Off-topic posts will easily lead to increase in bounce rate.
- Show Popular posts: Make use of your sidebar effectively by showing a list of popular posts from your blog, research shows that every blog visitors looks for the most popular posts of a blog.
There is a special tweak for you that will lower your BR by 70% after this infographic.
Tweak to Lower Bounce Rate upto 60%
How to implement it on YOUR BLOG ?
This is how the original analytics code looks like:
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
})(window,document,’script’,’//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,’ga’); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-XXXXXXXX-1’, ‘iftiseo.com’);
ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);
// ]]></script>
1. Replace the above code with this code or the one given below
_gaq.push([‘_setAccount’, ‘UA-XXXXXXX-1’]);
setTimeout(function() {
window.onscroll = function() {
window.onscroll = null; // Only track the event once
_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘scroll’, ‘read’]);
}, 10000);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement(‘script’); ga.type = ‘text/javascript’; ga.async = true;
ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl’ : ‘http://www’) + ‘.google-analytics.com/ga.js’;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
2. Or replace it with this code
CODE 1: It will count a visit as a bounce only if the site is closed under 10 seconds. It will disregard a visit as a bounce if the user scrolls the page. It means if the visitor scrolls your post but closes it under 10 seconds it will still NOT be treated as Bounce
CODE 2: This code will behave as the above code but without the scroll option.
Just Replace the XXXXXX with your analytics ID and save the changes. Our code will count the visits as bounce only if the visitor closes the site under 10 seconds. You can change the time as well by changing the value of “10000” to your required choice.
Note: 1000 = 1 Second
We recommend to set it at 15 seconds.
Sources: Analytics.blogspot.com
Final Words
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Change seen after applying the tweak. |
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Old Bounce Rate |
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New Bounce Rate |
6 Responses
Nice blog post about how we can improve our website bounce rate by following the methods explained in this blog post. Nice blog post keep the good work going.
wohoo.. i applied this technique and decreased my blog’s bounce rate from 62% to 25%
Hi Iftekhar Ahmed!
Great post on reducing bounce rate of a website! Yes, bounce rate is one of the painful problem for bloggers! We need to decrease it as much as possible. This article is really effective!
Anyway, thanks for the post!
happy blogging!
Hi Iftekhar
It’s really a fact, Nowadays many bloggers are getting high bounce rates on their blog which is really a head ache for them.
Due to high bounce rate, they aren’t able to generate sales. I am also one of them.
Since last 4 months, I have been noticing that my blog is getting high bounce rate and my visitors are leaving my site so frequently.
They aren’t engaged with my content.
So to solve this issue, I was doing research on it and searching for some best ways which I can implement to reduce bounce of my blog.
While doing research, I have learn’t below points which can help to reduce bounce rate of the blog.
1. Fresh & Helpful Content
During the research, I was noticing few blog content and I found a big difference in them.
I have seen two blogs and one of them writing content just to sell their product and to drive traffic. The writer of that blog just writing articles based on keywords and their articles aren’t enough informative.
On that blog, I only seen content which aren’t helpful to me.
On the other side, the second blog is filled with awesome content.
Articles on the second blog is completely eye catchy and even after reading their titles, I wasn’t able to resist myself from reading those articles. I read almost 4-5 articles there and they all are hub of helpful information.
Difference which I noticed in between these two blogs is, 1st blog is only writing for sales and traffic But 2nd blog is writing just to help their readers.
2nd blog was focusing on creating high quality content which can solve issue, which can create results.
The writer of 2nd blog was giving brilliant solutions and writing in-depth articles.
He was focusing on readership and building relationship with their readers.
This was the big difference in these 2 blogs. & I learnt that content should be of such kind which can create results and solve issues. 😀
2. Updating Old Articles
2nd thing which I learnt is, Updating old articles.
I have learnt If we will not update old articles with fresh information then there would be high chances, the reader will surely leave our blog because they might not be getting what they really want.
So updating articles with fresh information would be a technique to hold them and engage them on our blog. Right? 😀
3. Content Readability
I myself never read those articles which have so long and thick paragraphs. I have seen some websites which writes so long and thick paragraphs which scare readers to read them.
I also scare when I see such long paragraphs and I don’t read them.
I always love to read short and clean paragraphs.
So we should must improve our content readability so that readers can find it interesting and helpful. 😀
There are also some other points like improving blog design etc etc But I can’t mention all of them in a single comment. 😀
Your article is really helpful to me and I learned so many points from you.
Thanks Iftekhar for sharing such a great piece of content with us.
Happy Blogging 😉
Great Iftekhar to share a useful content. Unnecessary popups or ads which is irritate visitors, are also increase bounce rate. So many times good website having lot of bounce rate due some small mistakes. Your Infograph contents are very worthy.
Thanks a lot going to try sure a new thing I learn today in very easy way 🙂
~ Tejas
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